
A guide to help businesses navigate peak shipping

Peak shipping season has become a year-round event with no end in sight. How can you save money while still sending packages out as fast as possible? We’ve compiled some tips to help you understand why shipping prices are increasing and how you can start preparing right now for the busiest shipping season in history.
Download the eBook

Shipping has never been more complicated. The best time to prepare for peak was a couple of months ago. The second best time is right now. Find out what you can do to optimize your packaging and shippping.

Tips and details in this white paper include:

  • Why shipping costs are so high right now
  • Where you can go to find details on price increases
  • Broad strategies for getting better rates and making shipping less stressful
  • The importance of right-sizing your packaging
  • The material savings that come with a right-sized package
  • Other benefits to shipping smaller boxes
  • How much you could save on shipping
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A photo of right-sized boxes on a conveyor at CEVA Logistics before final packaging.
Now, we have a perfectly fitting box for every order which results in reduced transportation costs and a smaller environmental footprint.
Mark Romme
Project Manager
CEVA Logistics
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Cover of a magazine packaged with a Packsize perfect print packaging solution.
Our representative took a tremendous amount of time to understand our business, how it worked, what our pain points were, and they didn't really look to sell us anything. They really looked to understand what we did as a business and how Packsize could really make it easier for us to do business.
David Dey
Executive Vice President
Read their story →
Cover of a magazine packaged with a Packsize perfect print packaging solution.
Our representative took a tremendous amount of time to understand our business, how it worked, what our pain points were, and they didn't really look to sell us anything. They really looked to understand what we did as a business and how Packsize could really make it easier for us to do business.
David Dey
Executive Vice President
Read their story →
Cover of a magazine packaged with a Packsize perfect print packaging solution.
Our representative took a tremendous amount of time to understand our business, how it worked, what our pain points were, and they didn't really look to sell us anything. They really looked to understand what we did as a business and how Packsize could really make it easier for us to do business.
David Dey
Executive Vice President
Read their story →
Cover of a magazine packaged with a Packsize perfect print packaging solution.
Our representative took a tremendous amount of time to understand our business, how it worked, what our pain points were, and they didn't really look to sell us anything. They really looked to understand what we did as a business and how Packsize could really make it easier for us to do business.
David Dey
Executive Vice President
Read their story →
Cover of a magazine packaged with a Packsize perfect print packaging solution.
Our representative took a tremendous amount of time to understand our business, how it worked, what our pain points were, and they didn't really look to sell us anything. They really looked to understand what we did as a business and how Packsize could really make it easier for us to do business.
David Dey
Executive Vice President
Read their story →
Cover of a magazine packaged with a Packsize perfect print packaging solution.
Our representative took a tremendous amount of time to understand our business, how it worked, what our pain points were, and they didn't really look to sell us anything. They really looked to understand what we did as a business and how Packsize could really make it easier for us to do business.
David Dey
Executive Vice President
Read their story →
Cover of a magazine packaged with a Packsize perfect print packaging solution.
Our representative took a tremendous amount of time to understand our business, how it worked, what our pain points were, and they didn't really look to sell us anything. They really looked to understand what we did as a business and how Packsize could really make it easier for us to do business.
David Dey
Executive Vice President
Read their story →

Improve your packaging process with Packsize’s ecommerce packaging solutions

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